Weronika Balcerak
Weronika Balcerak (f. 1996) var fædd í Łódź í Póllandi. Hún býr og starfar í Reykjavík. Í vinnu sinni rannsakar hún tilveruleysi, stórfengleika og íveru. Í verkum sínum skapar Weronika staðbundnar innsetningar með textíl, myndböndum og fundnum efnivið.
Weronika Balcerak (b. 1996) was born in Łódź, Poland. She currently lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. Her artistic practice revolves around exploring the concepts of non-existence, transcendence, and immanence. Balcerak’s work primarily involves the creation of spatial installations that incorporate textiles, video, and found materials.