Sigurður Guðjónsson
Sigurður Guðjónsson ( f. 1975) er þekktur fyrir magnþrungin vídeóverk þar sem mynd, hljóð og rými mynda órofa heild. Hann beinir einkum sjónum að virkni margs konar tækjabúnaðar, þar sem áhorfandinn er lokkaður inn í heim sefjandi endurtekningar, takts og reglu og mörk hins mannlega og vélræna verða óljós. Sigurður Guðjónsson var fulltrúi Íslands á Feneyjatvíæringnum 2022. Hann hlaut Íslensku myndlistarverðlaunin 2018 fyrir sýninguna Innljós. Verk hans hafa verið sýnd á fjölmörgum einka- og samsýningum, meðal annars í Listasafni Íslands (IS), Listasafni Reykjavíkur (IS) , Scandinavia House, (US), Frankfurter Kunstverein, (DE), Arario Gallery, (CN), Liverpool Biennial, (UK) og Hamburger Bahnhof, (DE). Hann vinnur oft náið með tónskáldum, þar sem samstarfið leiðir af sér flókin verk þar sem hinir sjónrænu þættir renna heillandi saman við tónlistina í einni rytmískri og tónrænni heild.
Sigurður Guðjónsson (b. 1975) is known for his magnificent video works where image, sound and space form an unbroken whole. He focuses particularly on the function of a variety of technical equipment, where the viewer is lured into a world of soothing repetition, rhythm and order, and the boundaries of the human and the mechanical become blurred. Sigurður Guðjónsson represented Iceland at 59th International Venice Biennale 2022 with his installation Perpetual Motion. He was awarded the Icelandic Art Prize for Visual Artist of the Year in 2018 for his exhibition Inlight. His work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions around the world, in such institutions as the National Gallery of Iceland (IS), Reykjavik Art Museum (IS), Scandinavia House (US), Frankfurter Kunstverein (DE), Arario Gallery (CN), Liverpool Biennial (UK) and Hamburger Bahnhof (DE). He often collaborates with musical composers, resulting in intricate works that allow the visual compositions to enchantingly merge with the musical ones in a single rhythmic and tonal whole.