Kristin Nordhøy
Kristin Nordhøy (f. 1977) útskrifaðist frá Oslo National Academy of the Arts með M.A. í myndlist árið 2006. Hún býr og starfar í Osló og Edinborg. Valdar einkasýningar hennar eru Transparency, Lautom Contemporary, Ósló (2010), Volt, Bergen (2011), Layers, Holodeck, Ósló (2012), Dissonance, Galeri LNM, Ósló (2016), Two/Fold, Galleri Haaken, Ósló (2017), Placed, Loock Galerie, Berlín (2018), After a Moment, Galleri Haaken, Ósló (2020) and Resonant Field, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem (2022). Verk Kristinar Nordhøy er bæði að finna á opinberum söfnum og í einkasöfnum víðsvegar um Skandinavíu, þar á meðal í Seðlabanka og Utanríkisráðuneyti Noregs, Pro Artibus Foundation í Finnlandi og Erling Neby Collection í Ósló.
Kristin Nordhøy (b.1977) graduated from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts with a master’s in visual arts in 2006. She lives and works in Oslo and Edinburgh. Selected solo exhibitions include Transparency, Lautom Contemporary, Oslo (2010), Volt, Bergen (2011), Layers, Holodeck, Oslo (2012), Dissonance, Galeri LNM, Oslo (2016), Two/Fold, Galleri Haaken, Oslo (2017), Placed, Loock Galerie, Berlin (2018), After a Moment, Galleri Haaken, Oslo (2020) and Resonant Field, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem (2022). Kristin Nordhøy’s work is held in public and private collections across Scandinavia including The Central Bank of Norway, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Pro Artibus Foundation in Finland, and Erling Neby Collection in Oslo.